Do you know that you are exposed to the serious dust pollution, both outside and inside your house? Particulate pollution is another area we should focus our attention on. Due to activities in the home like dusting and cleaning, tiny dust particles are released which can affect your health. The dust particles find their way into your respiratory system and make life miserable, particularly for those who suffer from lung related diseases like asthma. People develop allergies to a microscopic organism called mite that thrives in the dust, causing various health problems from perennial allergic rhinitis to asthmatic symptoms. Dust comes from sweeping, dusting, cooking and even scratching something like an article.
Dust is produced in the kitchen e.g. when you remove the pith from a coconut and when you open the mixer after grinding, it releases food dust. This all is in addition to what the wind brings inside your home from outside. You must wear a face mask while cleaning. It is important to swab the floor when you clean it, in order to prevent any dust from rising.
The footwear brings not only dust but also bacteria. People of some countries like India have the practice of leaving their shoes outside or at the entrance. They use different foot wear inside their homes. This is one of the best practices related to home Hygiene. If you want to make it clear to your visitors that they have to remove their footwear outside, keep a sign outside preferably at the entrance telling them to do so. “Your shoes will be safe here", is one way you could get the message across in a lighter vein. If you want it to be more humorous you can say “Your Shoes will be safe here, ONLY HERE” You could also use, "To enjoy the softness of the carpet inside leave the footwear outside".
Another could be, "Thank you for leaving your footwear here and entering our home barefoot".
Greenery around you not only cleans the air but prevents the dust too. Here are some options. It is your choice as to how many of these activities you would like to carry out.
- Green Compound wall
- Home Front Garden
- Tree line along the compound (Green Wall: plant vertically growing Ashoka trees at an interval of 6 feet. While the trees grow vertically, the leaves spread horizontally. Then even a particle of dust cannot enter your home.)
- Plants inside the compound
- Creepers on the sunshade (Green Curtain)
- Covering the garden soil with grass