Green Home > Home Inside-Compound Garden

The solid waste will be converted into organic compost. The liquid waste will be converted into water for your plants. This should be made best use of, for planting both ornamental and horticultural plants.



Have a lawn that you can take with you

Below is a step by step process of how to use coir and make a lawn



HEY! Dear Home Exnora Yoga Practitioner,
Please remember one golden rule that MUST be followed by you, before you proceed in your green journey. You can do as much greening of your house as possible, but the water for gardening should not be drinking or fresh water. The source of water for greening activities must be “Used Water”. What is Used Water? and how does one convert the waste water as usable water?

These queries are well explained in

Please take a vow that you will do so. Water is the most precious commodity and the second basic necessity after air and it should not be wasted. Plants do not ask you for potable water. There are places where people have to walk miles to fetch a bucket of water. There are fights and disputes over sharing water between countries. Why! This is the case even between two neighboring villages as well as residents waiting to collect water from public water fountains.

Another request!  Try to use old and used materials for pot holders or make them from waste materials for your gardening. Do not worry about it marring the beauty of your garden. Once the plant begins to grow, the pots will be hidden.



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